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Please join us in observing the following basic protocols to help protect the health and welfare of all pool patrons. 


No person will be permitted in the pool having: skin lesions, sores, inflamed eyes, mouth, nose or ear discharge, carrying communicable disease or having any type of bandage, adhesive tape, etc. on their body. 

*If you are not feeling well, especially if you have symptoms of respiratory illness, diarrhea, or a rash, please refrain from visiting the pool.*

*If you become ill and / or if you are quarantined for any reason, do not return to the pool until you are well. 
Please wait until any prescribed mask period has expired. Masks cannot be worn in the water. 

Maintain and afford others some personal space. If you choose, you may leave your belongings on the bleachers and / or use curtains for changing to limit use of the locker room. Curtains are available to aid in comfortable participation by any swimmer requiring additional privacy. Please consider the privacy needs of ALL participants when choosing a place to change.  

Wash your hands often and avoid touching your face.

Follow smart personal health practices; drink plenty of fresh water every day, eat well, exercise, rest and sleep when your body needs to.


Follow all Pool Rules and Locker room Guidance . Follow directions of lifeguards.